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Reception – Miss R Orme / Miss C Smith & Miss L Coff



Welcome to Reception Miss Orme & Mrs Yoxall


 Dosbarth Reception's class page smiley



Home learning during the Coronavirus.

We will update the page with new learning activities. 

You can contact us through Dojo or Google classroom if you have any questions. 








Google Classroom

Still image for this video
Mrs. Cooke has very kindly made us a video to help get started with using the Google Classroom. Have a look and hope it helps in the early days when we are all learning how to use this.
Good luck.

Important bits! 

Homework - Home learning books  will be sent home every Thursday. These need to be returned to school on a Monday to allow 72 hours before being sent back out as per current COVID restrictions.

The homework mat contains activities for you to complete over this half term. You can choose which activities you want to complete. We do not expect you to complete all activities in one week!

P.E. - PE will be on a Wednesday. Children can wear their PE into school on this day. PE will not start until after October half term. Until then all children will have the opportunity to use the outdoor environment throughout the day & participate in the daily mile.

Reading Books - If you have signed an agreement letter reading books will be sent home every Thursday. They need to be returned on a Monday. Information on how to read with your child at home will be sent home.  10 minutes reading EVERY day can make a huge difference to your child's reading ability.


Dinners now cost £2.30. Please ensure dinner money is put into a money bag/envelope/purse that is clearly marked with the child's name. We only allow healthy snack in school.  Your child can bring cheese, yogurt, fruit, veg or a cereal bar. They may also buy fruit in school daily at a cost of 30p.


We have a lot of very creative jobs to do in reception.  For this reason, we would like each child to have a spare change of clothes in school for emergencies.  

We sometimes get hot and need to take our jumpers and cardigans off so please make sure that you label every item of clothing for your child.


Please can lunchboxes be free of any peanut related products.  We have a serious Peanut allergy in Nant Celyn.  Thank you for your co-operation.


Exciting upcoming events!


Every week we choose a star of the week. This is for a child who has really stood out during the week for doing something amazing! The star of the week will be mentioned in Friday's celebration assembly for the whole school to celebrate their success and they will be presented with a trophy, this is kept in school but children will be sent home with a certificate.

Stars of the Week






Read Write Inc

This is our 'scheme' for teaching children to read and write.  We begin by teaching each sound in set 1 sounds:

The sounds that contain 2 letters are called 'blends'. If a child can identify a blend in a word (eg, f  i  sh)  but struggles to locate it on the sound mat, we will help. Each sound has an accompanying 'rhyme' for each (a, around the apple and down the leaf).


When the children know enough sounds to begin reading, we start reading 'ditties' (specifically designed short burst reading books to build upon sounds already learned.)  In these ditties are 'red words'. These are words which the children will eventually recognise but are unable to simply sound out when they are still unrecognisable to them.  Some of these words are:


I, said, the, my, to


A list of red words will be sent home with your child. 


If a child is struggling to read a red word, we will say the word for them.  


When children are confident with reading sounds we begin writing.  


When writing the sounds we use our Read Write Inc 'rhymes' ( eg. 'a' around the apple and down the leaf.) We encourage the children to form the letters correctly.  We use our handwriting mat to check the orientation of each letter: 


Some letters touch the sky (b,d,f,h,k,l,t) Some letters get a bit wet (g,j,p,q,y) and all letters either face the sun or they face away from the sun. We call the broken lin in the middle of the writing lines an 'imaginary line' because it is not present in writing books.

Read Write Inc Handwriting Phrases

Below are some useful websites to support your child with reading & maths. 