Croeso i'n tudarlen Criw Cymraeg!
Welcome to our Criw Cymraeg page!
Autumn Term 2021
Each class has voted for their new Criw Cymraeg representatives. Each year group has chosen 2 representatives who will have the important job of attending meetings and feeding back the information to their classes.
The new Criw Cymraeg Representatives are:
Year 1: Dylan and Logan
Year 2: Ruby and Olivia
Year 3: Isabelle and Mason
Year 4: Freya and Leilani
Year 5: Darcey and Emily
Year 6: Jack and Jacob
Check back later in the term for an update of the important work they will be doing :-)
We are a crew of enthusiastic Welsh speakers who are working hard to encourage everyone to speak Welsh in all aspects of school life.
There are 12 people in our crew with members from Year 1 up to Year 6. We meet regularly with Mrs Price to discuss ways of encouraging everyone to speak Welsh.
At the moment we are working hard to achieve our Cymraeg Campus Silver award for bilingualism.
We have ten sets of targets to meet in all aspects of school life.
We track our targets on our Welsh dragon display in the main corridor.
Our targets include using Welsh in assemblies, playing Welsh playground games, reading in Welsh, using Welsh apps, using Welsh when meeting pupils from other schools, using Welsh at sporting events and with Welsh visitors.
Bobl Bach!!!
We would like to encourage everyone to have a go at speaking Welsh at home too!
Here are some useful phrases for you to practice and use:
Bore da (Pronounced: Boh-reh-dah) Good morning
Prynhawn da (Prin-houn dah) Good afternoon
Nos da (Nohs dah) Good night
Diolch (Dee-olch) Thanks
Da iawn (Dah ee-aw-n) Very good
Sut wyt ti? (Should -oy-tea) How are you?
Then answer by combining Da iawn + diolch. (Very good, thanks.)