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Year 5/6 – Mrs A Davies & Mr C Price

Year 5/6

Mrs Davies & Mr Price



Follow us on twitter @NantCelynY56 to find out about our topics and weekly activities.


Important Information



Our PPA day is every other Tuesday. The children will have RSE & Kiva and Forest Schools. 

Can you please provide your child with a pair of wellies that they can keep in their box to use in the forest. We are trying to use our outdoor environment as much as possible so please make sure your child has a coat with them! 



P.E is on a Monday. Children are to wear their PE kits to school. Children must have a white top and either black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or a skort.

From now until February, Mr Price's Year 5 children and Miss Riley's Year 5 children are swimming and Mrs Davies' children and Mrs DT's Year 5 Children have rugby with Newport Dragons. 

Year 6 children in all classes will have P.E on a Monday afternoon. 



Children should be eating a healthy snack at break time. This can be fruit, vegetables, cheese, yoghurts etc.  This needs to be bought in from home as school are currently unable to provide/sell fruit tuck. 


Coats and Drinks

Please can all children bring in a coat. As much as we would love Summer to continue we are not that lucky in Wales! These need to be labelled with your child's name.

Children also need a drinks bottle in school as we do not want to be wasting plastic cups (thinking of the environment!)



In school we follow the good to be green. We are all aiming to become platinum by staying green for a week. We also give out Dojo points for great behaviour and work towards being the Dojo Champion on a Friday.


Online safety information from the local authority. Please read and stay safe online.
