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Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Since the 1944 Education Act, it has been a legal requirement that all maintained schools should have Governing Bodies, and their responsibility has been twofold - to ensure that the school is run in a way that meets the needs of the community and to protect the interests of the school. The Governing Body, therefore, provides a strategic view, helping to set, and keep under review, the broad framework within which the Headteachers and staff run the school. In all its work, the Governing Body should focus on key issues of raising standards of achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective learning and teaching. The Governors also consider all relevant reports, recommendations and directives from Torfaen County Borough Council, the East and South Consortium and the Welsh Assembly Government.


Our current governing body comprises of:


Kim Andrews

Chair of Governors


Layla Andrews

Vice-Chair of Governors

(October 2026)

Keri Smith



Kathy Evans

LA Appointed Governor


Cllr Collette Thomas

LA Appointed Governor


Andrew Stephens

Community Governor


Richard Lucas

Parent Governor

(November 2027)

Tina Goodland

Staff Representative

(March 2028)

Hannah Jones

Teacher Representative

(November 2024)

Kath Worwood

Clerk to the Governors


Dean Davies

Deputy Headteacher


Parent VacancyParent VacancyCommunity Governor
Community GovernorMinot AuthorityLA Appointed Governor


Information for Prospective Governors

Governor's Annual Report to Parents and Carers 2023-2024

Governor's Annual Report to Parents and Carers 2022-2023

Governor's Annual Report to Parents and Carers 2021-2022

Governor's Annual Report to Parents and Carers 2020 / 2021

Governors Annual Report to Parents 2018 / 2019

Governors' Annual Report to Parents 2017 / 2018

Governors' Annual Report to Parents 2016 / 2017

Governors' Annual Report to Parents 2015 / 2016
