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Reception - Miss L Coff & Miss Orme / Smith

RLC - Miss Coff & Mrs Woodhouse

RRO/RCS - Miss Orme / Miss Smith & Miss Martin

Both classes are supported by Mrs Watkins. 

We are so excited for the year ahead, and are more than happy to help at any time!


Reception Twitter Page

You can find out what we have been up to via dojo and twitter. 😁


PE is on a Wednesday. Please ensure that your child is sent to school wearing PE kit:

πŸ‘Ÿ trainers / daps

πŸƒ black bottoms & jacket

πŸƒ‍♀️ white top

πŸƒOnce a fortnight Miss Coff and Miss Smith / Orme will have PPA on a Thursday. During PPA, our class will be covered by Mrs Lambert and Miss Oliver/Miss Williams (formerly Barriere) and the children will partake in forest school. We will send a reminder each week on dojo so you knowπŸƒ
Please ensure you send your child to school on forest school days with:
- wellies / boots πŸ₯Ύ
- a waterproof coat β˜”οΈ

πŸ’πŸŽπŸ₯’πŸ“ All children in primary school are now entitled to a free school meal. Snacks at break time are not provided. Snacks must be healthy, for example a yoghurt, fruit, vegetables, cheese etc. πŸ₯’πŸ“πŸ’πŸŠ


Home Learning πŸ˜πŸ“š

Homework bags and reading books will go home every Friday and need to be returned the following Monday. πŸ“š

⭐️Star of the Week⭐️
Each Friday we choose our class Star of the Week. If your child is chosen they will receive a certificate in Friday's assembly to take home.


✨The Star of the Week has to show they have tried their best to...

be kind, share, follow directions, achieve a target, persevere, tidy up, speak Welsh, help others, show good manners, look after their belongings, read confidently, learn spellings, write numbers etc!✨

Read Write Inc

This is our 'scheme' for teaching children to read and write.  We begin by teaching each sound in set 1 sounds:


Read Write Inc Handwriting Phrases

Number Formation

Use these online resources to help with your learning.

Your child's learning explained...


Below are some useful websites to support your child with reading & maths. 