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Extra Curricular Clubs

Nant Celyn Primary School


Extra Curricular Clubs

As in school, it is essential that all children always listen to the teachers. Should any child fail to do this during a club they will not be allowed to attend the club again. Teachers are giving up their own time to provide enjoyable experiences for all children and I know you will support me in ensuring high standards of behaviour.

*Safeguarding: To keep our pupils safe, it is essential that all children attend the clubs they have joined EVERY WEEK. If they do not attend and we do not know why this becomes a safeguarding concern and you will be contacted by staff. 

*No child will be allowed to walk home alone after a club. They NEED to be collected by a trusted adult. 

*If your child is not attending the club, please inform the Main Office. Should your child not attend club on two occasions without good reason their place will be offered to another child on the waiting list.  

* Additionally, could you ensure your child is collected promptly at the finish time.

Clubs will not be held the first week back after a school holiday, or the last week before we break up for a holiday.

The dates of the afterschool clubs are as follows for this term:

Week Beginning

Week 1 23rd Sept

Week 2 30th Sept

Week 3 7th Oct

Week 4 14th Oct

Week 5 11th Nov

Week 6 18th Nov

Week 7 25th Nov

Week 8 2nd Dec

Week 9 9th Dec


Should you have any questions regarding clubs or allocations please email Mrs Eden directly at


Diolch yn fawr
