Triangles- I am learning to...
- Recognise numbers 1 to 1000 out of sequence
- Count to 1000 forwards and backwards from different starting points e.g: 57,58,59
- Count up to 20 objects correctly (sometimes in small groups - 2's,5's,10's)
- Write my numbers to 100 (formed correctly)
- Compare and order numbers to 20
- Count in 2's, 5's and 10's
- Know my doubles (up to 20)
- Partition numbers - Place Value - Tens and ones
- Find one more or one less of a given number (e.g 1 more than 5 is 6) (1 less than 15 is 14)
- Recognise 1p,2p,5p, 10p, 20p, 50p and a £1 coin
- Give change from 10p
- Recognise 2D and 3D shapes